Kidscamp and other activities

1984 together with my friend Herbert we started to do some work for kids. Our goal was to share with these young people what we ourselves experienced with JESUS and with that, tried to protect them from all the stuff we suffered in our youth time. We met weekly at Saturday afternoons, to have fun together, making games but also to learn from the bible about GOD´s plan for our life. This work grew and the annual highlight was our kidscamp in summer vacations. We now have up to 100 kids participating and approximately 30 young coworkers providing great support. Until today, I am one of the leaders of this summer camp.

But kids are getting older, even “our kids” . So in 2003 two others and I decided to start a teenager group. We handed the work with kids over to others - young people who themselves through this service came into a relationship with JESUS and who carry on well this service today. With the teenagers we meet biweekly, experiencing a lot of exciting stuff, share with them the gospel of JESUS CHRIST and saw it again and again, that when this young people got into a real living relationship with HIM, their life out of control got right – or even better, they were protected and avoided getting out of control at all.

Also here our annual highlight is a 5 day trip in spring vacations. So with the annual kidscamp and the teenagercamp a large portion of my annual vacations were already fixed planned.

The annual kidscamp always was a lot of fun
Together with my friend Herbert at the fireplace
Who is stronger?
Today we have up to 100 kids in our summercamp
A fix topic on our daily agenda is our meeting in the large tent with singing songs <br>and a story from Jesus
On a teenager trip to Heidelberg
Adventure and fun with our teenagers